- 分類:關于我們
- 發布時間:2022-07-07 22:07:05
- 訪問量:0
康之鑫,高茶氨酸富硒黔茶領軍品牌, 公司以“康之鑫”商標為品牌旗艦,以“茶甯寶”、“氨畞益”、“龍家茗揚”、“香茗頭等艙”等為品牌補充,以多項國家專利為支撐,以實體銷售傳統模式與新型電子商務業態相融合的戰略為發展引擎,積極穩妥推進企業自身成長。公司為貴州省甘肅商會榮譽會員單位及遵義市留學回國人員創新創業示范單位。在全面小康向共同富裕時代背景下,公司始終秉持“科技創新提升產品價值”的企業戰略、“創意、創造、創業”的企業文化和“茶與世界,同品共享”的企業愿景。
Zunyi Kangzhixin Food Technology Co., Ltd. (Kangzx) was founded in 2019 by Mr. Wang Jiazhen, a returned oversea Chinese scholar. It is a small and micro enterprise focused on deep processing of ecology, organic tea and beverage plants and technical advice, service, and transfer with 100% professionalism on a big health needs background. Kangzx have made new breakthroughs in key areas such as improving and retaining the aroma of high quality teas and have innovative technologies of blending and digital brewing of functional health-care tea and beverage. Kangzx, the leading brand of high-theanine and selenium-enriched Qian tea, takes the trademark "Kangzhixin" as its brand flagship, and uses " Ningbao Tea ", "Ambrosial Tea", "Longjia Fame Tea" and "First Class Tea" etc. as its supplemented brands. Supported by numbers of patents, Kangzx was developed quickly and steadily with strategy of integrating the traditional sales and new E-commerce. Kangzx now is an integrity member unit of Gansu Chamber of Commerce in Guizhou Province and a demonstration unit of innovation and entrepreneurship for returned oversea Chinese scholar of Zunyi City. Under the era of all-around well-off towards common prosperity, Kangzx has always adhered to the corporate strategy of "Use Scientific and Technological Innovation to Enhance Product Value" and corporate culture of "Creativity, Creation, and Entrepreneurship" and the corporate vision of "Tea and the World, Share and Taste ".
